Frequently Asked Question

How can I see test statistics?
Last Updated about a month ago

There are two sets of statistics available for tests. The first is Question Statistics which shows each question of the test and the number/percentage of students who chose each of the answers. Submission Statistics shows each submission's overall mark and marks given for each test question. The overall test average is also calculated.

Submission Statistics shows each submission's overall mark and marks given for each test question. The overall test average is also calculated. The statistics data can be filtered by test's date of taken, all or passed or failed students. The filtered data can be downloaded as CSV file

Step 1: Click Tests and Surveys


From the Manage area, click Tests and Surveys to go to the Tests and Surveys Manager.

Step 2: Select a test and click Statistics


On the Tests and Surveys Manager page, click the radio button to select the test whose statstics you want to see (1). Then, click the Statistics button (2) to go to the Statistics page.

Step 3: View Question Statistics


The Question Statstics page shows:

1. each question of the test
2. the number and percentage of learners who chose each of the answers
3. a green check mark indicates the correct answer

Step 4: View Submission Statistics


The Submission Statistics page shows:

  1. Login Name - each learner's name
  2. Date Taken - the date the learner took the test
  3. Pass Score - the minimum score required to pass the test
  4. Mark - the learner's overall mark or grade
  5. Questions - points earned for each question
  6. Average - the overall test average

Click the Download CSV of Results button to save all of the data for that test.

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