Frequently Asked Question

IHS CHR How Do I Manage Enrollment Requests for CHR Advanced Training?
Last Updated 8 months ago

Administrators with enrollment privileges can accept or deny learners who request to be enrolled in the CHR Advanced Training program. Here are the prerequisites and steps you should know to make sure that only eligible learners can gain access to advanced courses.

Learner Requirements for CHR Advanced Training

Before learners can request enrollment in the CHR Advanced Training, they must meet specific prerequisites:

  1. Completion of CHR Basic Training: Learners must have successfully completed the entire CHR Basic Training program, including all modules and assessments.
  2. Passing the Final Exam: Passing the final exam of the CHR Basic Training is a mandatory requirement. Learners must achieve a passing grade in this exam to demonstrate their foundational knowledge.

Once learners have met the above prerequisites, they will gain access to the enrollment request process. (See: IHS CHR How Do I Request Enrollment in CHR Advanced Training?) As an administrator, your role is to review and approve these requests. Here's how:

Step 1: Access Enrollment Management

Click Enrollment from Manage

Start by navigating to the Enrollment Management section within your administrative dashboard. From the Manage menu, click Enrollment.

Step 2: Review Pending Enrollment Requests

View Pending Enrollment

Within the Enrollment Management section, locate and select the "Pending Enrollment" tab. The number of learners awaiting approval will be displayed to the right of the tab label (1).

Step 3: Approve Learners

  1. To approve a learner, select the checkbox next to their name (1).
  2. Then, click the "Enroll" button (2) to confirm their enrollment in the CHR Advanced Training.

If you decide not to add a particular person to the course, you can use the "Remove" button to reject their enrollment request.

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