Frequently Asked Question

IHS CHR How Do I Request Enrollment in CHR Advanced Training?
Last Updated 8 months ago

To be able to participate in the CHR Advanced Training, you must successfully complete the full CHR Basic Training, including passing the final exam. This is a requirement for taking advanced courses.

Once you've passed the final exam, you'll gain access to the enrollment request process for the CHR Advanced Training.

Step 1: Request Enrollment


To request enrollment in the CHR Advanced Training, follow these steps:

a. Log in to your CHR Training account.
b. Look at the My Courses page and look for the yellow button to request enrollment button. Click on it to request to be enrolled.

Step 2: Wait for Administrator Approval


After clicking the button to request enrollment, a message will be sent to the Area CHR Representative who manages the course. The message informs them that you have requested enrollment in the Advanced Training.

The Area CHR Representative will review your eligibility based on your completion of the CHR Basic Training and successful exam results.

Your enrollment status for CHR Advanced Training will be marked as "Pending Approval." You will see this status in your CHR Training account.

Step 3: Enrollment Confirmation


Once the Area CHR Representative approves your request, you will receive a message confirming your enrollment in the CHR Advanced Training, and your status will be marked as Student rather than Pending Approval.

When approved, you will be officially enrolled in the CHR Advanced Training. You will be able to access the advanced courses and resources.

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