Frequently Asked Question

How can I limit submitions on a webform?
Last Updated 8 months ago

How can I limit submissions on a webform?

Limiting submissions on a webform on the website can be essential for various reasons, such as preventing spam, controlling user engagement, or managing event registrations.

Step 1: Create a Webform

If you haven't yet created a webform, make one now:

  1. Log in to your website's administrative interface.
  2. Navigate to "Content" > "Add content" > "Webform."
  3. Fill in the necessary details to create your webform. You can add fields, set up email notifications, and customize the form as needed.

Step 2: Access Form Settings


Edit the webform you created in the previous step and click Webform (1).

Step 3: Limit Submissions


Click on the "Form settings" tab (2).

Under "Total submissions limit," (3) you have a few options:

  • Unlimited: No restrictions on the number of submissions.
  • Limit to: Define the maximum number of submissions allowed.

Choose the appropriate option based on your requirements.

Save the webform by clicking "Save configuration limit."

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